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PIGS for all reasonPIGS For All Reasons

PEI offers a complete line of pigs for your pigging applications:

Spherical Pig photo


Sizes: 2" and larger
An inflatable spherical pig, can be sized to match the pipe internal diameter. For liquid displacement applications in wet gas systems.

Multi Seal Pig photo


Sizes: 4" and larger
Multi-seal Pigs - for cleaning, displacement, and batching applications. May be equipped with the aggressive multi scraper cup to remove paraffin, asphaltines, and other soft deposits.

Tuff Cast Pig photo


Sizes: 4" - 24"
Tuff Cast Pigs - for cleaning, displacement, and batching applications. An all-urethane single piece pig that comes in 3-cup or 2-cup / 2-disc configurations. Non-rebuildable and simply discarded when worn out.

Conical Flex Pig photo


Sizes: 16” and larger
Conical Flex Pigs - for cleaning, displacement, and batching applications. Comes in multiple configurations using conical cups, disc, cleaning brushes, cleaning blades and gauge plates. Pigs will traverse 1.5D bends and reductions up to 20%.

BIDI Pig photo


Sizes: 16" and larger
BIDI Pigs – for batching and displacement applications when bi-directional travel is required. Each pig is equipped with 2 guide disc and 4 seal disc.

Pipeline Equipment Pigs photo